Baby Asian Lina Medina Pregnant

  1. Peru – When Lina Medina’s stomach began growing, doctors were certain she was suffering from a large tumour – she was only five years old, after all. But after running tests they found she was seven months pregnant after being raped and weeks later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
  2. No one has ever established who was the father of Medina’s child, or confirmed she became pregnant after being raped. One of nine children born to country folk in Ticrapo, an Andean village at an altitude of 7,400 feet in Peru’s poorest province, Medina is believed to be the youngest case of precocious puberty in history, Sandoval said.
  1. Lina Medina Now
  2. Lina Medina Pic
  3. Gerardo Medina
  4. Baby Asian Lina Medina Pregnant 2017
  5. Lina Medina Baby Daddy
  6. Lina Medina Who Is The Father

Jun 14, 2017 To their shock and horror, the doctor discovered that their daughter, Lina Medina, was seven months pregnant. Just six weeks later on May 14, 1939, Medina gave birth via c-section to a healthy, six-pound baby boy. At 5 years, seven months, and 21 days of age, she became the youngest girl known to have given birth.

The history of humanity is crawling with unbelievable incidents. Lina Medina was the one that shocked the society in the 20th century. People could not believe their ears when they heard the story of that little girl who gave birth. Devote your time to reading the article, and you will not regret, because such cases should be known to everyone.

Lina Medina is the youngest mother in medical history because she gave birth at the age of 5. The modern society is outraged by the cases of the childbirth at 14-15 years, but in comparison with Lina, they seem to be normal.

Lina Medina: the youngest person to give birth

She was born in September of 1933 in Ticrapo, Peru. Lina was quite an average child up to 5 years old when her parents noticed unusual changes in her body — the abdomen began to grow. The religious people from their settlement thought that the changes were caused by the tricks of an evil spirit. Various rites of shamans did not help, so the father decided to take Lina to the doctor. The nearest hospital was in Pisco.

They came to the Gerardo Lozada, who was a gynaecologist and, like her parents, presupposed that the cause of the growing stomach was a tumour. However, after the medical examination, everyone was horrified. It revealed that Lina was seven months pregnant. Besides, doctors found out that her first period began at the age of 3 when they usually start not earlier than in 11-12 years old. So even at such a young age, her body was ready to give birth to a baby.

Dr. Lozada decided to show the girl to his colleagues in Lima, the capital of Peru. They confirmed the diagnosis. This case stirred out the public all over the world. All headlines were devoted only to this girl.

After a month and a half, Lina Medina gave birth to a boy, and all indicators pointed to the excellent health of the baby. He was healthier than an average Peruvian boy. Although the physical development of the girl accelerated, the width of pelvis did not admit the possibility for the natural childbirth. So, the boy was born by cesarean section. This surgery helped to find out the information about Lina’s body. It came out that the sexual organs were fully developed and the first period started not at 3, but at eight months. Her breasts were growing already at 4 years. The diagnosis was precocious puberty caused by a hormonal imbalance of hypophysis.’

Image:, @factmaniac
Source: UGC

Although the young mom and son felt good, doctors kept track of their health conditions for 11 months. It was the first case in history when a 5-year-old girl gave birth. The parents of Lina raised the boy and up to 10 years, he thought that Lina was his sister. He found out that Lina was his mother only at 11-12 years old.

Baby Asian Lina Medina Pregnant

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The youngest pregnancy: how has it happened

Immediately upon the medical examination in Pisco, Gerardo Lozada called the police, who accused Lina’s father. He was the primary suspect to the doctor, public and police. But there was no evidence of the crime and police let the father go. One of her brothers who had mental disability became a second suspect; police detained him but also did not find evidence.

So, there was no documented information about the father of the child. Lina said nothing about it all her life, and we can explain it by her age; children rarely remember events at such an early age.

Lina Medina Now

There were several theories of how she became a 5-year-old mother, promoted by police, scientists and community. The following look most like the truth:

Lina Medina Pic

  • Lina often went to the river to wash clothes, because it was her domestic duty. She always walked alone, and parents supposed that someone could have had intercourse with her there.
  • People living in that settlement practised mass ritual festivities. The girl could have been involved in one of those and got pregnant.

In 1939, the San Antonia newspaper expected Lina to come to scientific universities in the USA, but the National Peruvian Midwifery Association claimed that girl should stay in the country under medical supervision.

Gerardo Medina

Later, some American production company offered 5000 dollars to create a documentary movie about Lina Medina: her parents also refused. After it, the government decided that Medina’s family was in danger and established a Commission for their protection. This stopped the journalists’ attacks. Lina valued her privacy and preferred to be discreet.

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Image:, @vaybebune
Source: UGC

Baby Asian Lina Medina Pregnant

Baby Asian Lina Medina Pregnant 2017

The further life of the youngest mother ever

Lina Medina Baby Daddy

She named her son after the Gerardo Lozada, her attending physician. The life of her son was cut short after 40 years because of the bone marrow pathology.

In adulthood, The Lima Clinic employed her for a secretary position, educated her and helped to send Gerardo in secondary school. Later, she married Raul Jurado and gave birth to her second son at the age of 38. From 2002 to 2016, she and her husband lived in one of the poorest districts of Lima. In November 2015, the youngest mom died. The alleged cause of death was a heart attack.


Lina Medina Who Is The Father

Up until now, Lina Medina stays the youngest mother ever confirmed in history. Unfortunately, it is impossible to restore the whole picture of those events and this story will remain full of secrets.

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