Mac Theme For Windows 7

MacOS Transformation Pack, free download. Theme changer software for Windows: Transforms the look of your Windows theme into something like Mac with icons, taskbar and windows all transformed. Review of Yosemite Transformation Pack. Includes tests and PC download for Windows 32 and 64-bit systems. The theme will fully modify your Windows 7 shell to make it look like Mac OS X Lion, including the buttons: As you can see, it transforms everything, captions buttons, complete shell appearance and the taskbar. If you’re bored of the Mac OS X 10.6 theme for Windows, spice things up with an all new Mac OS X 10.7 Lion theme for Windows 7! The theme pack is pretty detailed and it brings the illusion of having Mac OS X Lion running on a Windows PC, complete with the new Lion wallpapers and all. You can grab the skin and theme pack from DeviantArt. A 'skin pack' will change the look of the Windows interface so that it mimics OS X functionality. All of your Windows programs. This is available for free from If you prefer to make Windows look and act like an older version of OS X, such as Mountain Lion, you can download skin packs for older versions from the same site. The Mac dock is the the icing on the cake of our theme and will make your Windows 7 PC look just like Mac with Mac OS X installed. This Mac OS dock is the perfect extension for our Mac OS X Theme. You can drag any shortcuts on it and customize the dock icons (I’ll add some MAC icons soon). Link: Mac OS X Dock on Windows 7.


Mac Theme Free Download For Windows 7
A lot of people requested a Windows 7 Mac theme, so here it is! This Mac theme will modify your shell and make it look like a Mac. Additionally, you might want to get a Windows 7 Mac Dock and Windows 7 Mac
Windows 7 Mac Theme Screenshots :

Mac Theme For Windows 7

This Mac Theme for Windows 7 modifies the shell to make it look exactly like a Mac! You won’t find a lot differences, it’s a 1:1 copy of the original Mac OS X theme. Mac OS X (also known as Snow Leopard) looks really hot, you simply can’t deny that!
Important: You will need to download additional 3rd-party tools to make it look exactly like that. You will need a Mac dock for example, but it’s all explained in our attached tutorials. So, you will hopefully enjoy our Mac Windows 7 Theme!
Mac-like Buttons

Mac UI

Macintosh Theme For Windows 7 Free Download

Theme Installer for Shell Themes
The download now includes a full Windows 7 theme installer (yes, that is correct you now get a free software for installing Windows 7 themes and a full Mac theme). It will be a lot easier to replace the system files with this tool and you can continue to use it to install other Windows 7 themes! This works for all themes!

Download 3ds max crack. XLefty: Move Close/Minimize/Maximize Buttons

As you can see this program will make Windows 7 look exactly like Mac OS X and move all the buttons to the left.
Mac Toolbar

Firefox Mac Theme

What do other people say?
1900+ Facebook Likes
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20,000+ Downloads
What’s Included?
1x Mac OS X Theme
1x Windows 7 Theme Installer for Shell Themes
1x XLefty App To Move Close/Minimize/Maximize Buttons to Left
1x Firefox Mac Theme
1x Mac Dock
1x PDF Tutorial (How to Install)
1x Mac OS X Wallpaper .Themepack
1x Free iPad Theme for Windows 7
Download Mac OS X Windows 7 Theme

Mac Theme Look’s Awsome In Windows 7

Macintosh theme for windows 7 free download

macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop Wallpaper can now be used on Windows PCs as well. In this guide, we will tell you how you can get the macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop Wallpaper on Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7.

It is pretty common these days to port the functionality of one platform to another. This happens especially when a new feature is announced/released which is liked by the masses. macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop Wallpaper is the latest in that list.

In this tutorial, we will tell you how you can get the macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop Wallpaper on Windows computers by making use of a small utility called WinDynamicDesktop.

macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop Wallpaper


Apple introduced this new cool feature during this year WWDC as one of the many new features of the new macOS Mojave update. So how does this work?

Mac Theme For Windows 7

Mac Theme For Windows 10

Based on the local sunrise/sunset timings of the user’s locations, this automatically cycles through a set of 16 images of the same desert taken at different times of the day.

Mac Theme For Windows 7

So, depending on when you using the computer, the desktop wallpaper will dynamically change by itself. Take a look at the below gif to get a better idea.