Currently, this tool allows you to perform the following actions: - Lookup the Warranty End-date. of a single service tag. Lookup set of warranties from a.csv file. Returns the following information: - Model - Service Tag - Shipdate - Warranty End-date. Currently, the Warranty Date being returned is the latest warranty-service date and is currently agnostic of warranty service type. If you log into your account, then go to 'Manage My Products and Services', then go to 'Find & Add Products' you can paste up to 100 service tags in the text box and add them all at the same time. Then you can see the status of all the warranties on one page.
march 6, 2012: Dell recently changed the warranty site so this script will not work anymore. Please see for a program which searches the information for you.
Oct 22, 2008 Filter non Dell Machine (service tag 7) Query Dell for warranty information for each machine (one by one, but you can get up to 80 with a POST request) Fill a XLSX table with all the informations (Name, servicetag, machine type, warranty type; warranty start, warranty end, last logon and warranty validity. AutoFormat and AutoFit everything. I wish I had better options for doing these Dell warranty checks in bulk. Im sorry not sorry Dell API servers. I tried to get them to run the query's anytime a new machine was added to the Domain and Altiris picked it up.
Dell Service Tag Lookup
Use the attached script to check multiple Dell Asset tags for warranty (place all asset tags in a file called: “DellServiceTags.txt”):
download: [wpdm_fileid=”5″]
When run it uses the service tags from the text file to create a csv file (results.csv). Below is an example off the results.csv file in excel.
Updated: 2013-11-20 – Added User submitted version of script to downloads.
I have tweaked my powershell script for the SCCM Dell/HP tags due to popular demand so that it can be run on a single machine using a list of service tags as the source and then will output to a CSV file. The source CSV can have any number of columns however it MUST have the following three for the script to work “Name,Vendor,Tag” in its default state. You also need to edit the $infile & $outfile variables as required.
This can be changed if you wish by editing the following three lines in the “Main” function.
- $tag = $entry.Tag
- $manu = $entry.Vendor
- $name = $entry.Name
Dell Warranty Check Multiple Service Tags
Name = The Name of the system
Vendor = The Manufacturer of the system (dell or HP)
Tag = The service tag of the system.
As always any issues or feedback just leave a comment (or donate ;) )
- [download id=”36″]
- [download id=”55″] – Nan’s Version, See Comments